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 Meet your future clients.”

If you’re looking for more business, remember the adage “People do business with people they know, like and trust.” In other words, you need to network with potential clients so that can get to know, like and trust you. That means up close and personal. Not on the telephone, email, or Zoom. You need to actually get in front of your clients and future customers in person.  Press the flesh, shake hands (or fist bump), and interact with people face- to-face.  And the best opportunity to accomplish this goal is at our monthly Vendor Expos.

Yes, you need to be here!  Attendees are real estate investors and related real estate professionals:

  • The best and the brightest investors
  • All levels of experience
  • All in one location,
  • All in one evening,
  • All looking to meet vendors just like you.
  • They need your services.
  • They need your products.
  • These are your future clients.

This is why we say our vendor expos are where you’re going to “meet your future clients.”  Best of all, you don’t need to stand around (or sit) for eight hours like traditional expos. That is boring and unproductive. Our expos are only one hour. Short and sweet! Very efficient.  (But don’t worry, as you can see by the video on our homepage, you will meet as many people during our expos than you will meet at those all-day expos.)

Plus, at the beginning of our general meetings, you will have an opportunity to introduce yourself to the entire assembled crowd (200-300 people), and recite your best “elevator speech.”  And, if you want, you can also meet privately at your vendor table with potential and existing clients (during our meetings). Become a vendor and watch your business grow!

 Let’s get started. Please fill out the Vendor Reservation Form below and you’re on your way. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call us directly (805-710-2931).